Amalgam vs. Composite Fillings


When it comes to amalgam vs. composite fillings, there are both benefits and drawbacks. We discuss both to help give you a better understanding. “You have a cavity.” It’s generally not a sentence that we enjoy hearing from our dentist. However, with the advancements made in dentistry, there are several different options to consider for tooth repair. While traditional silver amalgam fillings used to be the only choice available, today most dental offices also provide composite resin. The Seminole Dental  in Texas City is conveniently located near MS Doss City Park and Seminole Hospital District is the,  in order to y diagnose your condition. We will happily communicate with you all the various quality dental services available to save your smile and return your teeth to their former function and comfort levels.

Why Dental Fillings Are Important

Before diving into the pros and cons of the materials used for dental fillings, let’s discuss what a dental filling is and how it can improve oral health and beauty. Dental fillings are designed to replace decay in tooth enamel and restore a tooth’s appearance, strength, and structure. woman receiving dental filling Although dental enamel is the strongest tissue in your body, it is susceptible to bacteria.

Plaque is a naturally occurring matrix of minerals and bacteria that forms on teeth. As plaque builds up, bacteria accumulate. The bacteria eat starches and sugars, then create an acidic byproduct. Acid softens enamel, causing erosion, dental sensitivity, and allowing bacteria can invade and cause cavities. If left untreated, the harmful bacteria eat away enamel and underlying tissue, causing a cavity. Left untreated, the decay can penetrate a tooth’s canal, which results in the need for root canal therapy or tooth extraction.

To place a dental filling, the dentist will remove bacteria and decay, thoroughly clean the tooth, and apply a dental filling into the prepared hole to reinforce the tooth’s structural integrity. With the dental filling in place, you can enjoy restored function and better oral health.

Pros and Cons of Composite Resin Fillings

Composite fillings, also known as tooth-colored fillings, are made from a combination of acrylic and ceramic that can be tailor-matched to blend beautifully with your natural tooth enamel. Composite resin offers an aesthetically-pleasing restoration. It also requires less enamel removal and tooth preparation, allowing you to maintain as much of your natural tooth structure as possible.

The cons to composite fillings are cost and longevity. As a newer treatment in the dental industry, composite fillings are not as cost-effective as amalgam fillings. Composite resin fillings have a longer treatment time, which adds to the cost. Since composite is not as durable as metal alloy, results generally last about seven to 10 years.

  1. Call us at (432) 245-1100 or visit  to schedule your appointment.

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    705 Hobbs Hwye,
    TX 79360 .


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