What Is Cosmetic Dentistry?


Cosmetic dentistry, or aesthetic dentistry, comprises various dental procedures that help to improve and restore your teeth appearance. From teeth whitening treatment to dental implants, our team of dental specialists will determine the recommended treatment that you need to take to enhance your smile. The Seminole Dental  in Texas City is conveniently located near MS Doss City Park and Seminole Hospital District is the,  in order to  for all of our Cosmetic Dental need .

What Are The Procedures Involved In Cosmetic Dentistry 

Initial Consultation: After a detailed examination of your oral condition, our team of Prosthodontists would share the various treatment options available for you, and weigh the pros and cons of each option during the assessment to help you make an informed decision,

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

  • Teeth Whitening
  • Dental Implants 
  • Dental Veneers
  • Fillings
  • Follow Up Care 

How can Cosmetic Dentistry change your life?

Not only does cosmetic dentistry help you to regain your confidence by achieving your desired smile, some of them have restorative properties that will benefit your quality of life as well. Cosmetic benefits will follow the functional aspects naturally, and your beautiful teeth will reflect your inner well-being.

The Process

Initial Consultation

Our dental specialist/dentist will find out the details of your medical and dental history, go through a consultation and examination and take a digital X-ray of your teeth to enable a thorough and detailed diagnosis. Depending on your dental condition and concerns, our dental specialist/dentist will advise on the most appropriate option to help you bring back that sparkle in your smile.

Gummy Smile Correction Procedures

Some people smile with a little bit of their gums showing but for some others, a significant amount of gums can be seen when they smile. Their teeth appear short in proportion to the rest of the gums, giving rise to the term “gummy smile”. There are several treatment options for those with gummy smiles

Smile Enhancing

Restore the sparkle back to your smile, without anyone knowing. There are various treatment options to give you the freedom to smile with confidence.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a minimally invasive procedure that put the sparkle back into your smile. It restores the sparkle to teeth that have been discoloured or stained by coffee, tea, soft drinks, tobacco, and other foods. Teeth whitening is a quick one-hour in clinic procedure that is complemented by a take home kit to help you enhance the results and do further touch ups, as needed. For more information, please visit our Teeth Whitening Page.

Follow Up Care

A good home oral hygiene regime is essential to ensure that your new smile is maintained – brush your teeth at least twice a day, for 2 minutes each time. Floss at least once a day and schedule to visit your dentist for a thorough cleaning and check up every 6 months.

  1. Call us at (432) 245-1100 or visit  https://dentalseminole.com/home  to schedule your appointment.

    Find us at the office

    705 Hobbs Hwye,
    TX 79360 .


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