Why Should I Take My Child to a Dentist?


Your child's first set of teeth, the primary teeth, are extremely important. Strong, healthy primary teeth help your child chew food easily, speak clearly and look good.  The Seminole Dental  in Texas City is conveniently located near MS Doss City Park and Seminole Hospital District is the,  in order to  for any type of Cosmetic & Aesthetic Dental problem .

At What Age Should My Child First See a Dentist?

Ideally, it is best to take your child to the dentist when he or she is between six to 12 months of age. This allows the dentist to prevent and anticipate problems rather than treat them. In addition, the dentist will assess your child's caries risk, evaluate adverse habits and customise a programme specific for each child.  

How Should I Prepare My Child for His First Visit?

If you bring your child at age one, your child will gradually learn that a dental visit is not a fear-provoking experience. At an early age, the dentist can acclimatise your child to procedures such as examinations using a mouth mirror, and teeth cleaning. Older children can accompany you when you see your dentist, so that you can be a model for appropriate behaviour. You can also read to your child. There are many children's books on visiting the dentist.

How Often Should My Child See the Dentist?

There is no set rule. Your dentist is best able to suggest a schedule of visits for your child based on your child's dental needs. It is generally recommended that children visit the dentist every six months. 

Taking your child to the dentist regularly can prevent serious disease. Regular dental visits can save time, money and your child's teeth.


Bribe your child into going to the dentist or use a dental visit as a punishment

Communicate your own fears to your child

Let anyone tell your child scary stories about dental visits


Be a role model to your child in terms of dental behaviour, diet and oral hygiene

Accompany your child at least for the first visit instead of relegating this to relatives and caregivers

Tell the dental staff about your child including any special needs or medical problems when making your first appointment .

    1. Call us at (432) 245-1100 or visit  https://dentalseminole.com/home  to schedule your appointment.

      Find us at the office

      705 Hobbs Hwye,
      TX 79360 .


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